Monday, 19 January 2015

Categories of language resource: The Pie

Early on in my training, I discovered many pupils are unclear as to the different categories of language that they are expected to analyse at all levels of study.

Commonly, teaching and learning resources built up over a number of years fail to make clear distinctions between categories of language.

I have seen many print resources and PowerPoints which make no distinction between, for example, persuasive devices from rhetoric, such as the rule-of-three, and acoustic devices such as alliteration. Language resources are merely presented as a selection of devices used 'for effect' and listed indiscriminately.

I resolved to create a simple categorisation tool to help pupils identify, describe and analyse the discrete types of language resource they regularly encounter in texts and which they can deploy in their own writing.

My solution is The Pie, which divides resources into their four main areas: vocabulary, figurative language, acoustic devices and rhetorical devices.

I encourage pupils to select their favourite kind of pie to personalise the mnemonic. Personally, I prefer home-made fruit pies and if I were forced to choose just one, it would probably be a tart blackcurrant with a sweet shortcrust pastry. What kind of pie do you like?

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